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HTML rt Tag

The HTML <rt> tag is used to define the phonetic pronunciation of characters in East Asian typography, specifically for ruby annotations. It is typically used in combination with the <ruby> and <rp> tags to provide additional information about the pronunciation of specific characters.

Here’s an example of how the <rt> tag can be used:

HTML<span role="button" tabindex="0" data-code="<ruby>      漢<rt>かん</rt>      字<rt>じ</rt>

In the above example, the <ruby> element represents the base text (in this case, the characters “漢字”), and the <rt> elements are used to provide the phonetic pronunciation (in this case, “かん” and “じ”).

The <rt> tag is primarily used in East Asian languages such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean to aid in the pronunciation of complex characters or to provide furigana (pronunciation guides) for difficult or uncommon words.

Note that the <rt> tag should always be nested inside a <ruby> element and is not supported in all web browsers. It is mainly used for specific typographical requirements in East Asian language contexts.


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