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HTML Attributes

HTML attributes are special keywords or values that can be added to HTML tags to provide additional information about the element. They are used to modify the behavior, appearance, or properties of the tags they are attached to. HTML attributes can be added to any HTML element, such as text, images, links, buttons, forms, tables, and more.

HTML attributes are defined using the syntax of “attribute name”=”attribute value” inside the opening tag of an element. The attribute name is the name of the attribute, and the attribute value is the value assigned to the attribute. Some attributes do not require a value, and they can be written in the form of “attribute name” or “attribute name”=”attribute name”.

<element attribute_name="value">content</element>

Here are some commonly used HTML attributes:

  • id: This attribute is used to give an element a unique identifier. It is often used to link to a specific section of a web page or to apply CSS styles to a specific element.
  • class: This attribute is used to group elements together with a common style or behavior. It is often used to apply CSS styles to multiple elements at once.
  • href: This attribute is used to specify the URL of the page or file that the link should point to.
  • src: This attribute is used to specify the URL of the image, video, or audio file that should be displayed.
  • alt: This attribute is used to provide a text description of the image, which is displayed when the image cannot be loaded.
  • title: This attribute is used to provide a tooltip or a short description of the element.
  • target: This attribute is used to specify the target window or frame where the link should be opened.

HTML attributes can greatly enhance the functionality and appearance of your web pages. It is important to use them correctly and make sure they are compatible with the HTML version you are using.


The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder