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How to make an Image a Link in Html

To make an image a link in HTML, you can use the <a> (anchor) element and wrap it around the <img> (image) element. Here’s an example:

HTML<span role="button" tabindex="0" data-code="<a href=""> <img src="image.jpg" alt="Image Description">
<a href="">
  <img src="image.jpg" alt="Image Description">

In the above example, the <a> element represents the link, and the href attribute specifies the URL that the link should navigate to when clicked ( in this case). The <img> element represents the image, and the src attribute specifies the source URL of the image file (image.jpg in this case). You can also provide an alt attribute to provide alternative text for the image.

By wrapping the <img> element with the <a> element, the image becomes a clickable link. When the user clicks on the image, it will navigate to the specified URL.

Remember to replace "" with the actual URL you want the image to link to, and "image.jpg" with the path or URL to your image file.

You can further customize the appearance of the image link using CSS or inline styles if needed.


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