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HTML small Tag

The HTML <small> tag is used to define smaller, less important text within a document. It is typically used to indicate fine print, disclaimers, copyright statements, or any other text that should be displayed in a smaller font size.

Here’s an example of how the <small> tag can be used:

<p>This website is <small>best viewed in Chrome</small>.</p>

In the above example, the text “best viewed in Chrome” is wrapped in the <small> tags, indicating that it is supplementary information displayed in a smaller font size.

The <small> tag is often used for legal notices, caveats, or additional details that are not the primary focus of the content but provide valuable information. It is also commonly used for attributions or citations to indicate the source or author of a quote.

It’s important to note that the <small> tag primarily represents the visual style of the text and does not convey any specific semantic meaning. If you require semantic meaning, consider using other HTML elements or adding appropriate classes or styles to achieve the desired effect.

The <small> tag is supported by modern web browsers and can be useful for indicating secondary or less prominent information within your HTML documents.


The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder