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HTML5 New Elements

HTML5 introduced several new elements that provide more semantic structure to web pages. Here are some of the notable new elements in HTML5:

  1. <header>: Represents the introductory content or a container for a group of introductory content.
  2. <nav>: Defines a section of navigation links.
  3. <main>: Represents the main content of the document.
  4. <section>: Defines a section of a document, such as chapters, tabbed content, or thematic groups.
  5. <article>: Represents a self-contained composition that can be independently distributed or syndicated.
  6. <aside>: Represents content that is tangentially related to the main content, such as sidebars or pull quotes.
  7. <footer>: Defines the footer of a document or a section.
  8. <figure>: Represents self-contained content, such as images, illustrations, diagrams, or code snippets, that is referenced in the main content.
  9. <figcaption>: Represents a caption or description for a figure element.
  10. <time>: Specifies a date, time, or duration.
  11. <mark>: Highlights or marks a specific section of text.
  12. <progress>: Represents the progress of a task or process.
  13. <meter>: Represents a scalar measurement within a known range.
  14. <details>: Defines additional details or disclosure content that can be shown or hidden.
  15. <summary>: Represents a summary or a caption for the details element.

These are just a few examples of the new elements introduced in HTML5. Each element serves a specific purpose and contributes to the semantic structure of a web page. By using these elements appropriately, you can enhance the accessibility, SEO, and overall organization of your HTML documents. Remember to consult the official HTML5 documentation or reputable web development resources for more detailed information on these elements and their usage.


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