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ReactJS Higher-Order Components

The Higher-Order Components (HOCs) are a design pattern in React that allows you to reuse component logic, apply cross-cutting concerns, and enhance the functionality of your components. HOCs are not part of the React API but are a pattern that leverages the composability of React components.

Here’s how you can create and use Higher-Order Components in React:

Creating a Higher-Order Component (HOC):

A HOC is a function that takes a component and returns a new component with some added behavior or props.

import React from 'react';

// Define a Higher-Order Component
const withEnhancement = (WrappedComponent) => {
  return class EnhancedComponent extends React.Component {
    render() {
      // Add some enhanced behavior or props here
      return <WrappedComponent {...this.props} enhancedProp="HOC Enhanced Prop" />;

export default withEnhancement;

In this example, withEnhancement is a HOC that takes a WrappedComponent and returns an EnhancedComponent. It adds a new prop, enhancedProp, to the wrapped component.

Using a Higher-Order Component:

To use a HOC, you wrap your component with the HOC function. The enhanced component inherits the behavior and props added by the HOC.

import React from 'react';
import withEnhancement from './withEnhancement';

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <p>Original Component</p>
        <p>Enhanced Prop: {this.props.enhancedProp}</p>

// Wrap MyComponent with the HOC
const EnhancedMyComponent = withEnhancement(MyComponent);

export default EnhancedMyComponent;

Now, EnhancedMyComponent has the enhancedProp that was added by the withEnhancement HOC.

Common Use Cases for HOCs:

  1. Reusing Component Logic: If you have common logic that you want to share among multiple components, you can extract that logic into a HOC and reuse it across those components.
  2. Authorization and Authentication: HOCs can be used to restrict access to certain components based on user authentication or authorization.
  3. State Management: You can use HOCs to manage state or provide global state to components.
  4. Props Manipulation: HOCs can modify or filter props before passing them to the wrapped component.


  • When using HOCs, it’s essential to follow best practices and provide clear documentation to ensure that component behavior is easily understood.
  • You can compose multiple HOCs together to enhance a component’s functionality further.
  • The term “HOC” is a convention, but you can name your HOC functions as you see fit.
  • While HOCs are a powerful tool, React’s Context API and hooks like useContext and useEffect provide alternative ways to share state and logic across components, and you should consider those options when designing your application.
  • To maintain component purity and avoid unexpected side effects, make sure your HOCs are pure functions and do not modify the wrapped component’s state directly.

HOCs are a versatile and powerful pattern for enhancing and sharing functionality in your React application, but they should be used judiciously to keep your codebase clean and maintainable.


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