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ReactJS State vs Props

The ReactJS state and props are important concepts used to manage and pass data within your components. However, they serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics:

Props (Properties):

  1. Props are Read-Only: Props are used to pass data from a parent component (the component that renders another component) to its child components. They are read-only, which means child components cannot modify their props.
  2. Passed from Parent: Props are passed down the component tree, from parent to child. They provide a way for parent components to communicate with and control their children.
  3. Immutable: Once props are set for a component, they cannot be changed by that component itself. Any updates to the props must be done by the parent component.
  4. Use for Configuration: Props are commonly used to configure child components, providing them with data or behavior specific to their context. For example, passing a name prop to a Person component to display a person’s name.
  5. Examples of Props:
  • Data passed to a component.
  • Callback functions for event handling.
  • Configuration values.


  1. Component-Specific: State is used to manage component-specific data that can change over time and trigger re-renders. Each component can have its own state.
  2. Mutable: Unlike props, components can update and modify their own state using the setState method. When state changes, React re-renders the component to reflect the new state.
  3. Initialization: State is typically initialized in the constructor of class components or using the useState hook in functional components.
  4. Examples of State:
  • User input (e.g., form fields).
  • Data fetched from an API.
  • UI-related toggles or flags.
  • Component-specific counters or timers.

When to Use Props vs. State:

The decision to use props or state depends on the nature of the data and its management:

  • Props should be used when data is passed from parent to child components, especially when that data is not meant to be modified by the child component.
  • State should be used for data that can change within a component and triggers re-renders. It is used to manage component-specific data and should be kept as minimal as possible to maintain component simplicity.

In summary, props are used for passing data from parent to child components and are read-only, while state is used for managing component-specific data that can change and trigger re-renders, and it is mutable within the component. Understanding when and how to use both props and state is fundamental to building efficient and maintainable React applications.


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