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Spring Boot Cache Provider

The Spring Boot, you have the flexibility to choose from various caching providers or implement your custom cache manager depending on your application’s requirements. Spring Boot supports several cache providers out of the box, and you can configure them in your application properties. Here are some commonly used cache providers in Spring Boot:

  1. ConcurrentMapCache (Default): This is the default cache provider in Spring Boot, based on ConcurrentHashMap. It’s suitable for small-scale caching within a single JVM, but it’s not suitable for distributed environments. To configure this cache provider in
  1. Ehcache: Ehcache is a popular, open-source caching library that provides features like distributed caching, caching strategies, and eviction policies. Spring Boot can be configured to use Ehcache for caching. To configure Ehcache in

You will also need to provide an Ehcache configuration file (ehcache.xml) to configure caching behavior.

  1. Redis: Redis is a powerful and widely used in-memory data store that can also be used as a caching provider. It supports distributed caching and is suitable for microservices and distributed systems. To configure Redis as the cache provider in

You will also need to provide the connection details for your Redis server in the properties.

  1. Caffeine: Caffeine is a high-performance, in-memory caching library. Spring Boot can be configured to use Caffeine for caching. To configure Caffeine in

You can further customize Caffeine’s configuration by adding properties like spring.cache.caffeine.spec, spring.cache.caffeine.maximum-size, and others.

  1. Hazelcast: Hazelcast is an open-source distributed caching and in-memory data grid solution. It’s suitable for distributed and scalable caching. To configure Hazelcast in

You will also need to provide Hazelcast configuration properties, such as spring.cache.hazelcast.config and spring.cache.hazelcast.instance-name.

  1. Custom Cache Manager: You can create a custom cache manager implementation if your application has specific caching requirements that aren’t met by the built-in cache providers. To do this, you would implement the CacheManager interface and configure it in your application. For example:
   public class CustomCacheConfig {

       public CacheManager cacheManager() {
           // Implement your custom CacheManager here
           return new MyCustomCacheManager();

Each cache provider has its own strengths and use cases, so you should choose the one that best suits your application’s requirements, scalability, and distribution needs. The choice of a cache provider can have a significant impact on the performance and behavior of your application, so it’s essential to consider your specific use case when selecting one.


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