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Spring Boot Starters

Spring Boot Starters are a set of pre-configured dependencies that simplify the process of adding common functionalities to your Spring Boot application. They are essentially Maven or Gradle project templates that provide a curated list of dependencies and default configurations. Starters are designed to save you time and effort by reducing the need to manually configure dependencies and ensuring that the included libraries are compatible with each other.

Here are some key aspects of Spring Boot Starters:

  1. Purpose-Specific: Each Spring Boot Starter is designed for a specific use case or purpose, such as web development, data access, messaging, security, and more. By including the appropriate starter, you add the necessary dependencies for that particular functionality.
  2. Auto-Configuration: Spring Boot Starters often come with auto-configuration classes. These classes automatically configure beans and settings based on the presence of certain dependencies and properties. Auto-configuration simplifies the setup process and minimizes boilerplate code.
  3. Opinionated Defaults: Starters provide opinionated defaults and sensible configurations for common scenarios. While these defaults can be customized, they are designed to work out of the box, allowing you to get started quickly.
  4. Transitive Dependencies: Starters include a set of transitive dependencies that are known to work well together. This helps prevent version conflicts and ensures that the included libraries are compatible.
  5. Version Alignment: Spring Boot maintains a managed set of dependency versions for each starter. This ensures that all dependencies within a starter are compatible with each other. You don’t have to specify version numbers for individual libraries when using starters.

Common Spring Boot Starters include:

  • spring-boot-starter-web: Provides everything needed to build web applications, including Spring MVC, an embedded web server (Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow), and other web-related libraries.
  • spring-boot-starter-data-jpa: Includes Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, and a database driver for data access with JPA.
  • spring-boot-starter-security: Adds Spring Security for securing your application with authentication and authorization.
  • spring-boot-starter-test: Contains testing frameworks like JUnit, Spring Test, and TestNG for writing unit and integration tests.
  • spring-boot-starter-actuator: Integrates Spring Boot Actuator, which provides production-ready features for monitoring and managing your application.

To include a Spring Boot Starter in your project, you need to add it as a dependency in your build configuration (Maven or Gradle). For example, in a Maven project, you can add the spring-boot-starter-web dependency as follows:


By adding a starter as a dependency, you bring in all the necessary libraries and configurations required for a specific functionality. This allows you to focus on building your application’s business logic while Spring Boot takes care of the underlying infrastructure.

Spring Boot Starters are a fundamental aspect of Spring Boot’s convention-over-configuration approach, simplifying the development process and promoting best practices.


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