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Android Fragments

The Android fragments are a fundamental building block of the user interface within an activity. Fragments represent a portion of a user interface or behavior that can be combined and reused in different activities or within the same activity. Fragments were introduced to make it easier to create responsive and flexible UIs for various screen sizes and orientations.

Here are some key concepts and uses of fragments in Android:

Fragment Lifecycle:

  • Fragments have their own lifecycle, similar to activities. They go through methods like onCreate(), onCreateView(), onResume(), and so on. Understanding the fragment lifecycle is crucial for managing their behavior.

UI Components:

  • Fragments can contain their own UI components, layouts, and widgets, just like activities. You can inflate a layout in the onCreateView() method of a fragment.


  • Fragments can communicate with their host activity and with other fragments within the same activity. This communication can be achieved through interfaces, callbacks, or shared view models (if using Android’s ViewModel architecture).


  • One of the main benefits of fragments is reusability. You can create fragments for specific UI components or behaviors and then reuse them in multiple activities, improving code modularity.

Tablets and Multi-Pane UIs:

  • Fragments are commonly used to create multi-pane user interfaces, particularly for tablet-sized devices. You can use fragments to show multiple UI components side by side in landscape orientation.

Back Stack:

  • Fragments can be added to the back stack, allowing users to navigate between different fragments in a similar way to how they navigate between activities. This provides a more seamless user experience.

To use fragments in your Android app:

Create a Fragment:

  • Create a Java class that extends Fragment. This class represents your fragment’s behavior.

Create a Layout:

  • Create an XML layout file for your fragment’s UI. You’ll inflate this layout in the fragment’s onCreateView() method.

Host Activity:

  • In your activity’s layout XML, include a <fragment> element with a specified android:name attribute to specify which fragment class to use.

Manage Fragments:

  • In your activity, use the FragmentManager to add, replace, or remove fragments within your activity’s UI container. You can use methods like beginTransaction(), add(), replace(), and commit() to manage fragments.

Here’s an example of adding a fragment to an activity programmatically:

FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
MyFragment fragment = new MyFragment();
transaction.add(, fragment);

Example, is the ID of the container in the activity’s layout where the fragment will be placed.

Fragments are a powerful way to create flexible and modular UIs in Android, making it easier to build apps that adapt well to different device sizes and orientations.


The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder

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