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Internal Details in Android

The Internal details in the context of Android usually refer to various aspects of the Android operating system and the inner workings of Android app development. Here are some key internal details and concepts related to Android:

Android Architecture:

  • Android operates on a layered architecture, with four main layers: Linux Kernel, Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL), Android Runtime, and Application Framework.
  • The Application Framework provides high-level services like Activity Manager, Content Providers, and the Window Manager.

Activity Lifecycle:

  • Activities are fundamental building blocks in Android apps.
  • They go through different states like onCreate, onStart, onResume, onPause, onStop, and onDestroy as they interact with the user and the system.

Intent System:

  • Android uses intents to facilitate communication between different components of an app and between different apps.
  • Intents can be explicit (targeting a specific component) or implicit (specifying an action, and the system decides which component to launch).

Content Providers:

  • Content Providers enable data sharing between apps.
  • They allow apps to access and share data stored in databases or other data sources.

Broadcast Receivers:

  • Broadcast Receivers listen for and respond to system-wide broadcast messages.
  • They are often used for events like battery low, network connectivity changes, or incoming SMS.


  • Services are used for background tasks that don’t require a user interface.
  • They can run in the background even when the app is not in the foreground.


  • Android apps must request permissions to access certain device resources or user data.
  • Permissions are specified in the AndroidManifest.xml file and requested at runtime on newer Android versions.

Manifest File:

  • The AndroidManifest.xml file contains essential information about your app, such as the app’s name, components, permissions, and required features.
  • It’s used by the Android system to understand and manage the app.

Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM) and ART:

  • Android apps are traditionally executed on the Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM).
  • Android Runtime (ART) replaced DVM in later Android versions, improving performance and efficiency.
  1. Resource System:
    • Android uses a resource system to manage assets like layouts, images, strings, and styles.
    • Resources are stored in the res directory and can have different configurations (e.g., for different screen sizes or languages).
  2. Layouts and Views:
    • Android UIs are created using XML layouts that define the arrangement and appearance of UI components.
    • UI components are represented by views, such as TextViews, Buttons, and ImageViews.
  3. Gradle Build System:
    • Android projects use the Gradle build system to manage dependencies, build configurations, and generate APKs (Android application packages).
  4. Debugging and Logging:
    • Developers use Android Studio’s debugging tools and Logcat to diagnose and fix issues in their apps.
    • Logcat provides logs for various system and app events.
  5. Security Features:
    • Android has multiple layers of security features, including app sandboxing, permission model, and encryption.
    • It also includes security updates and patches to protect against vulnerabilities.
  6. Android Versions and API Levels:
    • Android has multiple versions (e.g., Android 11, Android 12) and API levels (e.g., API level 30, API level 31), each introducing new features and improvements.

Understanding these internal details is crucial for Android developers, as it helps them design and build robust, efficient, and secure Android applications. These details also provide insights into how the Android operating system manages and executes apps on a variety of devices.


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