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Integrating LinkedIn in Android

Integrating LinkedIn functionality into an Android app can be a valuable feature if your app relates to professional networking, job searching, or business-related activities. To integrate LinkedIn into an Android app, you’ll need to use the LinkedIn API. Here are the general steps to get started:

  1. Create a LinkedIn Developer Account:
  • Go to the LinkedIn Developer Portal (
  • Sign in or create a LinkedIn account if you don’t have one.
  • Create a new LinkedIn App by following the provided instructions. This will give you access to the LinkedIn API.
  1. Configure Your App:
  • Once your app is created, you will receive API credentials, including a client ID and client secret. Keep these credentials secure.
  1. Set Up Your Android Project:
  • Create a new Android project or use an existing one.
  • Open your project’s build.gradle file and add the LinkedIn SDK as a dependency.
   implementation ''
  • Sync your project with Gradle to download the LinkedIn SDK.
  1. Implement LinkedIn Authentication:
  • In your app, you’ll typically provide a way for users to log in using their LinkedIn credentials.
  • Use the LinkedIn SDK to implement the login flow. Here’s an example of how you can initiate the LinkedIn login process:
   LISessionManager.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).init(this, buildScope(), new AuthListener() {
       public void onAuthSuccess() {
           // Authentication was successful
           // You can now make LinkedIn API requests on behalf of the user

       public void onAuthError(LIAuthError error) {
           // Handle authentication error
   }, true);
  • Ensure you request the necessary permissions (scopes) when initiating the login process.
  1. Make API Requests:
  • Once a user is authenticated, you can use the LinkedIn API to retrieve profile information, post updates, and perform other LinkedIn-related actions.
  • Use the LinkedIn API endpoints and methods provided in the SDK to make requests.
  1. Handle User Data:
  • Manage the data returned by the LinkedIn API, such as user profiles and connections, in your app as needed.
  1. Ensure Compliance:
  • Review LinkedIn’s API usage policies and ensure that your app complies with their terms and conditions.
  1. Testing:
  • Test your app thoroughly to ensure that LinkedIn integration works as expected and handles various scenarios, including authentication errors.
  1. Publish Your App:
  • Once your app is complete and tested, you can publish it to the Google Play Store or your preferred app distribution platform.

Remember that LinkedIn’s API and SDK may evolve, so it’s essential to consult the LinkedIn Developer Portal and documentation for the most up-to-date information and best practices. Additionally, keep in mind user privacy and security when integrating LinkedIn features into your Android app.


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The Tech Thunder