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ViewStub in Android

The ViewStub is a lightweight and efficient way to load and inflate views lazily in Android. It allows you to define and include views in your layout XML but doesn’t inflate them immediately when the layout is inflated. Instead, it defers the inflation until the view is actually needed. This can help improve the performance of your app by reducing the initial layout inflation time and memory usage.

Here’s how to use ViewStub in Android:

  1. Add a ViewStub to Your Layout: In your XML layout file, include a ViewStub element where you want to load a view lazily. You can define the layout that the ViewStub will inflate using the android:layout attribute:
     android:inflatedId="@+id/inflated_view" />

Replace your_lazy_layout with the layout resource you want to inflate lazily when needed.

  1. Reference the ViewStub in Java/Kotlin: In your Java or Kotlin code, you need to obtain a reference to the ViewStub using its ID. You can do this in your activity or fragment:
 ViewStub viewStub = findViewById(;
  1. Inflate the View When Needed: You can inflate the view associated with the ViewStub when it’s needed, typically triggered by a user action or some condition in your code. To do this, call the inflate() method on the ViewStub:
 View inflatedView = viewStub.inflate();

The inflate() method returns the inflated view, and you can manipulate it like any other view.

  1. Customize the Inflated View: After inflating the view, you can customize its content or appearance programmatically. For example:
 TextView textView = inflatedView.findViewById(;
 textView.setText("This is the lazy-loaded view.");

You can access and manipulate the child views within the inflated view using their IDs.

  1. Optional: Set an OnInflateListener: You can set an OnInflateListener on the ViewStub to perform actions when the view is inflated. This listener can be useful if you need to initialize or customize the inflated view further:
 viewStub.setOnInflateListener(new ViewStub.OnInflateListener() {
     public void onInflate(ViewStub stub, View inflated) {
         // Perform actions when the view is inflated

ViewStub is especially useful when you have views in your layout that are not always needed, such as optional sections, dialogs, or components that appear conditionally. It helps reduce the initial layout complexity and memory usage by loading views only when they are required, which can lead to improved app performance.


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