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JavaScript Call Stack

The JavaScript Call Stack is a data structure used by the JavaScript runtime to manage function calls in a program. It keeps track of the order in which functions are called and determines the point at which a function should return and resume its execution.

Here’s how the JavaScript Call Stack works:

  1. Function Calls: When a function is called in JavaScript, a new frame is created and pushed onto the top of the call stack. This frame contains the function’s arguments, local variables, and other related information.
  2. Execution: The JavaScript runtime executes the code within the current function’s frame. If the function calls other functions, new frames are created and added to the top of the call stack for those function calls.
  3. Function Completion: When a function completes its execution, its frame is popped off from the call stack, and the control returns to the previous function in the stack.
  4. Stack Unwinding: As functions complete, their frames are successively popped off the call stack until the stack becomes empty. This process is called stack unwinding.

The call stack operates on a “last in, first out” (LIFO) principle, meaning that the most recently pushed frame is the first one to be popped off when a function completes.

If the call stack becomes too large or exceeds its maximum capacity, it results in a stack overflow error. This usually occurs when there is excessive recursion or a large number of nested function calls without proper termination.

Here’s a simple example to illustrate the concept:

function greet(name) {
  console.log('Hello, ' + name + '!');

function sayHello() {


In this example, we have two functions: greet and sayHello. The sayHello function calls the greet function.

When sayHello is invoked, a frame for sayHello is added to the call stack. Then, within sayHello, a frame for greet is pushed onto the call stack. The greet function executes and logs the greeting message. Finally, the greet frame is popped off, followed by the sayHello frame, and the call stack becomes empty.

The call stack is a fundamental concept in understanding how JavaScript manages function calls and the order of execution in your code.


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