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JavaScript MutationObserver function

The MutationObserver is a JavaScript API that allows you to listen for changes in the DOM (Document Object Model) and be notified when specific mutations occur. It provides a way to observe and react to changes in elements, attributes, or the structure of the DOM tree. Here’s an example of how to use the MutationObserver function:

// Select the target node to observe
var targetNode = document.getElementById('myElement');

// Options for the observer (optional)
var observerOptions = {
  attributes: true, // Observe changes to attributes
  childList: true, // Observe changes to child elements
  subtree: true, // Observe changes in all descendants of the target node
  // ... other options if needed

// Create a new instance of the MutationObserver
var observer = new MutationObserver(callback);

// Define the callback function to be executed when mutations occur
function callback(mutationsList, observer) {
  // Handle the mutations here
  for (var mutation of mutationsList) {
    if (mutation.type === 'attributes') {
      console.log('Attribute changed: ', mutation.attributeName);
    } else if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
      console.log('Child list changed');
    // ... handle other types of mutations if needed

// Start observing the target node with the specified options
observer.observe(targetNode, observerOptions);

// To stop observing, call observer.disconnect():
// observer.disconnect();

In this example, we first select the target node that we want to observe using document.getElementById(). The targetNode can be any element in the DOM.

Then, we define the observerOptions object, which specifies the types of mutations to observe. In this case, we set attributes to true to observe changes to attributes, childList to true to observe changes to child elements, and subtree to true to observe changes in all descendants of the target node. You can modify these options according to your specific needs.

Next, we create a new instance of the MutationObserver by passing the callback function to be executed when mutations occur.

The callback function is called with two parameters: mutationsList and observer. The mutationsList contains an array of MutationRecord objects, which represent the specific mutations that occurred. In the example, we iterate through the mutationsList and log the type of mutation (either attributes or childList) to the console.

Finally, we start observing the target node by calling the observe() method of the MutationObserver instance, passing in the targetNode and observerOptions.

To stop observing, you can call observer.disconnect().

By using the MutationObserver function, you can monitor and respond to changes in the DOM dynamically.


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