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JavaScript Execution Context

JavaScript execution context refers to the environment in which JavaScript code is executed. It consists of the variables, functions, and scope that are available during the execution of a piece of JavaScript code.

Every time JavaScript code is run, it operates within an execution context. There are three main types of execution contexts in JavaScript:

  1. Global Execution Context: The global execution context is the default and outermost execution context. It represents the global scope and is created when the JavaScript program starts running. Variables and functions declared outside of any function are added to the global execution context and are accessible throughout the program.
  2. Function Execution Context: Each time a function is invoked, a new function execution context is created. It contains information about the function’s local variables, parameters, and inner functions. The function execution context is pushed onto the call stack, and when the function completes, it is popped off the stack.
  3. Eval Execution Context: The eval function in JavaScript can create a new execution context. It evaluates JavaScript code dynamically, and the executed code runs in an eval execution context. The use of eval is generally discouraged due to security and performance concerns.

The execution context maintains a reference to the outer environment, which allows access to variables and functions from its outer scope. This is known as the scope chain. The scope chain is created by linking the execution context to its parent execution context, forming a chain of accessible variables and functions.

The execution context also contains a variable object (also known as the activation object), which holds the function’s variables, function declarations, and formal function parameters. It is used for variable and function lookups during code execution.

Additionally, the “this” keyword is determined by the execution context. It refers to the object that the function is being called on or the global object if the function is not a method.

Understanding the execution context is important for understanding variable scoping, function invocation, and the flow of JavaScript code. It helps determine which variables and functions are accessible at a given point in the code and how the scope chain is traversed during variable and function lookups.


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