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JavaScript Number

The JavaScript number is a primitive data type that represents numeric values. JavaScript supports both integer and floating-point numbers.

Here are some examples of numeric values in JavaScript:

let num1 = 42; // integer number
let num2 = 3.14; // floating-point number
let num3 = 0.000001; // small floating-point number
let num4 = -10; // negative integer number

JavaScript provides several built-in methods for working with numbers, such as toFixed(), toPrecision(), and toString(). These methods can be used to format numbers and convert them to strings, among other things.

let num = 3.14159;

console.log(num.toFixed(2)); // Output: 3.14 (formats the number to 2 decimal places)
console.log(num.toPrecision(3)); // Output: 3.14 (formats the number to 3 significant digits)
console.log(num.toString()); // Output: "3.14159" (converts the number to a string)

JavaScript also provides a number of built-in mathematical functions, such as Math.sqrt(), Math.pow(), and Math.round(). These functions can be used to perform mathematical operations on numbers.

console.log(Math.sqrt(16)); // Output: 4 (calculates the square root of 16)
console.log(Math.pow(2, 3)); // Output: 8 (calculates 2 to the power of 3)
console.log(Math.round(3.14)); // Output: 3 (rounds the number to the nearest integer)

It’s worth noting that JavaScript numbers have a limited precision and range. For example, the largest number that can be represented in JavaScript is Number.MAX_VALUE, which is approximately 1.79 x 10^308. Numbers that exceed this limit will be represented as Infinity or -Infinity.


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