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jQuery dblclick() method

The jQuery dblclick() method is used to attach a double-click event handler to the selected element(s). It allows you to define a function that will be executed when a double-click (two consecutive clicks within a short time) occurs on the target element(s).

Here’s the basic syntax of the dblclick() method:



  • selector: A selector expression used to select the element(s) to which the event handler will be attached.
  • handler: The function to be executed when a double-click event occurs on the selected element(s).

Return Value:
The dblclick() method returns the original jQuery object, allowing for method chaining.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>jQuery dblclick() Method Example</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <button id="myButton">Double-Click Me</button>

        $(document).ready(function() {
            // Attach double-click event handler to the button
            $("#myButton").dblclick(function() {
                alert("You double-clicked the button!");

In this example, we use the dblclick() method to attach a double-click event handler to the button with the id “myButton.” When the button is double-clicked, the specified function will be executed, and an alert message will be displayed.

When you run the code and double-click the button, you will see an alert with the message “You double-clicked the button!”

The dblclick() method is useful when you want to trigger an action in response to a double-click event on an element. It can be used for various interactive purposes, such as triggering actions that require a confirmation or providing shortcut functionality to users.


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The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder