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jQuery position() method

The jQuery position() method is used to retrieve the current position of the first matched element relative to its offset parent. It returns an object containing the top and left properties, representing the element’s position in pixels from the top and left edges of its offset parent.

The syntax for using the position() method is as follows:

  • selector: It is a string that specifies the elements to be selected.

Here’s an example of how you can use the position() method:


<div style="position: relative;">
  <p id="myParagraph">This is a paragraph.</p>


// Get the position of the paragraph element relative to its offset parent
var position = $('#myParagraph').position();
console.log('Position - Top: ' + + 'px, Left: ' + position.left + 'px');

In the above example, the position() method is used to get the position of the p element with the ID “myParagraph” relative to its offset parent, which is the div element with the inline style position: relative;. The top and left properties of the position object are then logged to the console.

Keep in mind that the position() method works only with elements whose CSS position property is set to "relative", "absolute", or "fixed". If the element’s position is not set, the position() method will not provide meaningful results.

The position() method is commonly used in scenarios where you need to position elements dynamically or calculate their positions relative to other elements. For example, you can use it to create custom tooltips, implement drag-and-drop functionality, or align elements based on their relative positions.

It’s essential to note that the position() method returns the position of the first element in the selected set. If you have multiple elements selected, it will provide the position of the first element only. If you need the positions of all matched elements, you can use the .each() method to loop through the elements and retrieve their positions individually.


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The Tech Thunder