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Skype Chat jQuery Plugin

Skype does offer official developer APIs that allow integration with their chat and messaging services, but these APIs are typically intended for use in web or mobile applications rather than as a standalone jQuery plugin.

If you want to add a Skype chat feature to your website, you can consider using the Skype Web Control, which is an official offering from Skype that allows you to add a Skype chat button to your website. When users click on the button, they can initiate a chat with you or your Skype account.

To use the Skype Web Control, follow these steps:

Step 1: Get Skype Account and API Key
Ensure you have a Skype account that you want to use for chat interactions. Then, obtain an API key from the Skype developer portal (

Step 2: Include Skype Web Control Script
Include the Skype Web Control script in your HTML file. Make sure to replace 'YOUR_API_KEY' with the actual API key you obtained in Step 1.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Skype Chat Example</title>
  <!-- Your content goes here -->

  <!-- Include the Skype Web Control script -->
  <script src=""></script>

  <script src="script.js"></script>

Step 3: Initialize the Skype Web Control
Create a JavaScript function to initialize the Skype Web Control with your API key and the Skype username or ID you want to use for chat interactions.

// Callback function to initialize the Skype Web Control
function initializeSkypeWebControl() {
    name: 'chat',
    element: 'skype-chat-button',
    participants: ['YOUR_SKYPE_USERNAME_OR_ID'],

Step 4: Display the Skype Chat Button
In your HTML file, add an element (e.g., a <div>) where the Skype chat button will be displayed:

<div id="skype-chat-button"></div>

Step 5: Test the Skype Chat Button
Now, when you load your HTML file, the Skype chat button will be displayed on your web page. When users click on the button, they can initiate a chat with the Skype account specified in the participants option.

Please note that the Skype Web Control provides a basic chat button for initiating conversations. If you need more advanced chat features or customizations, you might need to explore other Skype APIs or libraries or consider building a custom chat solution using Skype’s developer APIs.

As technology and services evolve, always refer to the official Skype documentation and developer resources for the most up-to-date information and guidelines on integrating Skype chat features into your website.


The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder