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C goto

The goto is a control statement that allows you to transfer control from one part of a program to another part within the same function or code block. It is used to create unconditional jumps or branches in your code. The use of goto is generally discouraged in modern programming practices because it can lead to code that is difficult to understand and maintain. However, it is still a valid language construct in C and may be used in certain situations.

The basic syntax of the goto statement is as follows:

// Code
goto label_name;

Here’s an explanation of the components:

  • label_name: A user-defined label identifier followed by a colon (:). Labels are used as markers to indicate the destination of the goto statement.
  • // Code: The code block or statements where you want to transfer control.
  • goto label_name;: The goto statement that specifies the label to which control should be transferred.

Here’s a simple example of how goto can be used to create an unconditional jump in C:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int i = 0;

start: // Label
    printf("%d ", i);
    if (i < 5) {
        goto start; // Jump back to the 'start' label

    return 0;

In this example, the program uses a goto statement with the label start to create a loop that prints numbers from 0 to 4. The goto statement transfers control back to the start label, allowing the loop to continue.

It’s important to note that while goto can be used to create loops and conditional branching, it can also lead to “spaghetti code” where program flow is hard to follow. In practice, most programmers prefer to use structured control flow constructs like for loops, while loops, and if statements to achieve the desired logic in a more readable and maintainable way. The use of goto should be limited to situations where it is the most clear and efficient solution, and where alternatives are not practical.


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