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C Program to convert 24 Hour time to 12 Hour time

Converting a 24-hour time format to a 12-hour time format in C involves parsing the input time, performing the conversion, and formatting the output correctly. Here’s a C program to do that:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int hour, minute;
    char am_pm[3];

    // Input 24-hour time
    printf("Enter 24-hour time (HH:MM): ");
    scanf("%d:%d", &hour, &minute);

    // Determine AM or PM and adjust hour
    if (hour >= 12) {
        strcpy(am_pm, "PM");
        if (hour > 12) {
            hour -= 12;
    } else {
        strcpy(am_pm, "AM");
        if (hour == 0) {
            hour = 12;

    // Output in 12-hour format
    printf("12-hour time: %02d:%02d %s\n", hour, minute, am_pm);

    return 0;

In this program:

  1. We declare variables for the hour, minute, and a character array to store “AM” or “PM.”
  2. The user is prompted to enter a 24-hour time in the format “HH:MM.”
  3. We determine whether it’s AM or PM based on the value of hour. If hour is greater than or equal to 12, it’s PM; otherwise, it’s AM. We also adjust the hour value if necessary to be within the 12-hour range.
  4. We use printf to format and display the 12-hour time, making sure to include leading zeros for single-digit hours and minutes.

Here’s an example of how the program works:

Enter 24-hour time (HH:MM): 15:30
12-hour time: 03:30 PM

This program takes a 24-hour time as input and converts it to a 12-hour time format with “AM” or “PM” designation.


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