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C Storage Classes

The storage classes are used to define the scope, lifetime, and accessibility of variables. They determine where and when a variable is created, how long it exists, and who can access it. C provides several storage classes, each serving a different purpose. Here are the main storage classes in C:

Automatic Storage Class (auto):

  • Variables declared with the auto storage class are local to the block in which they are declared.
  • They are created when the block is entered and destroyed when the block is exited.
  • The auto keyword is rarely used explicitly because local variables are automatically considered auto. For example:
int main() { 
  auto int x; // 'auto' is optional; 'x' is an automatic variable 
  return 0; 

Register Storage Class (register):

  • Variables declared with the register storage class are also local to the block in which they are declared.
  • They are stored in CPU registers for faster access, but the compiler may ignore this keyword since modern compilers are efficient in optimizing register allocation.
  • The register keyword is rarely used explicitly. For example:
int main() { 
  register int x; // 'register' is optional; 'x' is a register variable 
  return 0; 

Static Storage Class (static):

  • Variables declared with the static storage class have a lifetime that extends over the entire program.
  • They are initialized once and retain their values across function calls.
  • When used within a function, they are local to the function but persist between function calls.
  • When used at the global level (outside any function), they are global and accessible from any part of the program.
#include <stdio.h>

void example() {
    static int count = 0; // 'count' is a static variable
    printf("Count: %d\n", count);

int main() {
    example(); // Calls 'example' function
    example(); // Calls 'example' function again
    return 0;

External Storage Class (extern):

  • Variables declared with the extern storage class are global variables that are defined in another source file.
  • They are used when you want to access variables defined in other source files.
  • The extern keyword is used in declarations, not definitions.
// In one source file (file1.c)
int globalVar = 42; // Definition of the global variable

// In another source file (file2.c)
extern int globalVar; // Declaration of the global variable from file1.c

Thread Storage Class (_Thread_local):

  • This storage class is used to declare thread-local variables in multithreaded programs. Each thread has its own copy of the variable.
  • It’s supported in C11 and later versions.
 #include <stdio.h>
 _Thread_local int threadVar = 42;

 int main() {
     printf("ThreadVar: %d\n", threadVar);
     return 0;

These storage classes provide control over variable lifetime, scope, and accessibility in C programs. Choosing the appropriate storage class for a variable depends on its intended use and requirements within the program.


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