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Literals in C

The literals are constant values that appear directly in your source code. They represent fixed values and data, such as integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and strings. Literals are used to initialize variables, specify constant values in expressions, and provide input or output data in your C program. Here are some common types of literals in C:

  1. Integer Literals:
  • Integer literals represent whole numbers.
  • Examples: 42, -123, 0, 255.
  1. Floating-Point Literals:
  • Floating-point literals represent real numbers with decimal points.
  • Examples: 3.14159, -0.01, 1.0.
  1. Character Literals:
  • Character literals represent individual characters enclosed in single quotes.
  • Examples: 'A', '7', '%'.
  1. String Literals:
  • String literals represent sequences of characters enclosed in double quotes.
  • Example: "Hello, World!".
  1. Boolean Literals:
  • C does not have native boolean literals like some other languages. Instead, integers are often used to represent boolean values:
    • 0 typically represents “false.”
    • Non-zero values (often 1) represent “true.”
  1. Escape Sequences in String and Character Literals:
  • You can use escape sequences within string and character literals to represent special characters. For example:
    • "\n" represents a newline character.
    • "\t" represents a tab character.
    • "\"" represents a double quote within a string.
    • '\'' represents a single quote within a character literal.
  1. Octal and Hexadecimal Notation:
  • Integer literals can be written in octal notation by prefixing them with 0, such as 075.
  • Integer literals can also be written in hexadecimal notation by prefixing them with 0x or 0X, such as 0x1A.
  1. Suffixes for Integer and Floating-Point Literals:
  • You can use suffixes to specify the data type of integer and floating-point literals. For example:
    • 42L represents a long integer.
    • 3.14f represents a float.
    • 2.5e3 represents a double in scientific notation.

Here are some examples of literals in C code:

int num = 42; // Integer literal
float pi = 3.14159; // Floating-point literal
char letter = 'A'; // Character literal
char name[] = "John"; // String literal
int isTrue = 1; // Boolean-like (1 represents true)

In C, literals play a crucial role in initializing variables, specifying constants, and providing data in your program. They are used extensively in C code to represent various types of data values.


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