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What is getch() in C

The getch() is not a standard C library function. However, it is a function provided by some older compilers, especially those for DOS-based systems, like Turbo C and Borland C. The getch() function is used for reading a single character from the keyboard without echoing it to the screen. It’s often used for implementing simple console-based menu systems and for reading single characters without requiring the user to press Enter.

Here’s a simple example of how getch() can be used:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h> // This is specific to certain compilers, like Turbo C

int main() {
    char ch;

    printf("Press any key: ");
    ch = getch(); // Read a single character without Enter

    printf("\nYou pressed: %c\n", ch);

    return 0;

In this example, we include the <conio.h> header, which is specific to certain compilers, to access the getch() function. The program prompts the user to press any key, and when a key is pressed, it reads that key without waiting for Enter and displays the character.

It’s important to note that getch() is not part of the C standard library and is considered non-portable. Modern C compilers typically do not provide getch(). If you are using a modern compiler or need portability, you should consider using standard library functions like getchar() for character input, which does require the user to press Enter.


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