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Delete Operator in C++

The C++ delete operator is used to deallocate memory that was previously allocated using the new operator. This operator is essential for dynamic memory management, especially when working with objects and arrays of objects. Properly deallocating memory with delete helps prevent memory leaks in your C++ programs.

Here’s how you use the delete operator:

Deleting a Single Object:

// Allocate memory for a single integer
int* ptr = new int;

// Use the allocated memory

// Deallocate the memory when it's no longer needed
delete ptr;

In the example above, new int dynamically allocates memory for a single integer and returns a pointer to that memory. The delete operator is then used to release that memory once it’s no longer needed.

Deleting an Array:

// Allocate memory for an array of integers
int* arr = new int[5];

// Use the allocated array

// Deallocate the array when it's no longer needed
delete[] arr;

When you use new[] to allocate memory for an array, you must use delete[] to deallocate it. Failing to use the correct form of delete can lead to memory leaks or undefined behavior.

Deleting Objects:

class MyClass {
    MyClass() {
        std::cout << "MyClass constructor" << std::endl;

    ~MyClass() {
        std::cout << "MyClass destructor" << std::endl;

int main() {
    // Allocate a single object dynamically
    MyClass* obj = new MyClass;

    // Use the object

    // Deallocate the object
    delete obj;

    return 0;

In this example, we allocate an object of class MyClass dynamically using new and deallocate it using delete. The destructor of MyClass is automatically called when delete is used, allowing you to perform cleanup operations if necessary.

It’s important to note the following points about the delete operator:

  1. Always pair new with delete and new[] with delete[]. Using the wrong form of delete for memory allocated with new[] or vice versa can lead to undefined behavior.
  2. Deleting memory that has already been deleted or was not allocated with new can also result in undefined behavior.
  3. To prevent potential memory leaks, it’s a good practice to use smart pointers (std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr) or standard containers (e.g., std::vector) when possible, as they manage memory automatically and reduce the need for manual memory management with new and delete.


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